Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Falling in the Fall.

It's quite obvious that I have this week off of work.
Indeed, I JUST published a post not even 5 seconds ago and here I am starting a new one. 
I think I like this blogging stuff. It's fun for me.

So.... Before it's all gone I would like to address FALL.
Beautiful, BEAUTIFUL fall.
This fall has been quite exciting for us. Reason being - last fall is when all of  'this' started again. 
'This' meaning:

Seeing the leaves changing and falling &  taking walks together to the same places we did last fall has brought those exciting feelings back to me front and center.
Falling in love is such a wonderful time. I remember everybody around me saying over and over, "remember this time", "cherish these moments", "this is the best time in your life".... Well they were right. It's so full of excitement all the time. I remember the simplest things would get my heart pounding & send the butterflies flying around my stomach. This still happens every now and then among all the everyday life stuff, but I'm glad I can always go back in my memory and feel it again whenever I want to. BJ has been back in my life, front & center for a little over a year now & I'm still excited about it. I will always be excited about it, and so grateful that it happened. 

{Last Fall}
{This Fall}

BJ, Becky & the Drive - In.

So the drive-in has become one of  'our things'. 
It's what we did on our first date. (pre-mission)
It's what we did on our (second) first date. (post-mission)
And it's just what we do for fun.

We both LOVE it. What's not fun about getting to watch a movie on a big screen while in the comfort of your own vehicle!? There are so many pro's. Let me begin.

 It's SO cheap. 
You get 2 movies for $7.
We already decided this is going to 
be our 'family fun night' activity... 
so the future Hubbard kiddos
 BEST like the drive-in!

Depending on what kind of car you have, 
you can either pop the trunk open and build a bed in the back... 
or you can watch in the bed of a truck under the stars!
We have done it both ways. Love both.
(This actually was a huge factor in the kind of car
we got... we ended up with a Jeep.
It's PERFECT for the drive-in!)

So at least for us - growing up 
as  kids we rarely got snacks at the 
movie theater. NOTHING against
the parents, it's just ridiculously expensive.
Well, at the drive-in you can bring ANYTHING you want.
Last time we packed our dinner & dessert! 
Now that's what I'm talkin' about!

I could keep going, but I'll stop there. I think that'll do. 
So for our 6 month anniversary we went where? Well... we are funny. Pretty much the entire month of October was spent celebrating our 6 month anniversary. We just kept putting everything into that catagory. So technically we saw Carrie Underwood, went to the arcade, ate out a littttttle more than usual and of course topped it off with the drive-in. (Just imagine what our 1 year anniversary will be like!? We are going to need to change our ways!) Well, we went and saw Taken 2 & The Odd Life of Timothy Green. They were both great movies.... special shout out to Timothy Green though. SOOOO good. It made me cry, but no surprise there. It was the perfect way to celebrate! Here are a few pictures from that night.

{And no.... Liam Neeson doesn't have that fabulous mustache in Taken 2 - I just couldn't resist.}

So this is a typical evening for us at the drive-in. If you didn't catch that I highly recommend it, I HIGHLY recommend it. It's just the best. Kinda like my husband :) The best.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Decorative Pillows.

I have this week off of work and I'm not complaining one bit.
I like working, it keeps me busy and it brings home some bacon....
but I LOVE being home and turning our little apartment into a 

Yesterday's project was to make a 'decorative pillow' for our bed. 
I already had the black fabric from a dress that I never finished way back when so all I needed was something to make it 'decorative'.
Went to Joanns with BJ & he actually thought of the 'decorative' part! Just a simple strip of lace across the middle. I was impressed.
 He's such a good apple. 
So yesterday, I busted out the dusty sewing machine and went to town. 
For those of you that know me... you probably know, I don't sew. I'm just not very good at it. I try.... but it never turns out very well. So I have a goal to BECOME better at it. I could have easily gone out and purchased a simple cute black pillow for our bed, but I wanted to see if I could do it! 
Well, it turns out - it's WAY EASY! I'm glad I picked an easy project to start out with.
I got on Pinterest of course (that's where all my projects & ideas come from) and found a simple envelope pillow case tutorial. The girl who wrote it said it took her 10 minutes to make WHILE talking on the phone to her Mother-in-Law.
Ha. Not this girl. (Sorry Mother - in - Law, maybe next time!)
It took me a good 30 minutes with high concentration and no distractions......but I DID IT! 

It's so very imperfect, but that's okay. It actually fits the pillow and didn't rip tooo much when I stuffed it inside.
I warned BJ though when he got home and saw it that this pillow is very fragile. No pillow fights with this one.

Now... what should I do today? Maybe I'll go refer to my DIY board on Pinterest and pick one!
 Love having time off.

Monday, November 5, 2012


I REALLY like.... no, no, no,

I'm in 

with my beautiful, seafoam pearl guitar, PAISLEY. 
{Yes, I named her. She's my first, she's very special}

I know, I know.... she is a little bright.... that's my favorite part!!!!!!!!!!

So, story goes... I've always dinked around on any guitar I could get my hands on but I really don't know very much at all. As many of you know, my darling hubby is super talented on guitar. We have always had this silly idea/dream/wish that we would play & sing together. Just make music. When we were dating, the first time around, {18 years old} we used to say we would start a band someday. We would be called...

{Pearl Buttons}

Kinda cool right? We got the idea while we were at an Alan Jackson concert up at Tahoe back in 2008. BobbyJames was wearing what everybody wears when they think of country music, a pearl button shirt. So the name just stuck and it's been an ongoing inside joke for us ever since.

So, in order to make our joke come to life, I need to learn to play guitar. FOR REALS! BJ just started teaching me the actual notes and how to read them & such last week. It's been fun for us. We've been looking at guitars for awhile now but I just thought it was something for the future, maybe? NOPE! Merry {early} Christmas to me! Or Birthday... he hasn't declared yet :) We went to Guitar Center on Saturday night & I didn't think much of it. We go there from time to time just for fun... not this time! BJ had ulterior motives. He was wanting to get me a guitar for either Christmas or my Birthday (AKA: the same thing) but didn't want to wait that long. He wanted me to have my own guitar to start really learning and practicing on. So we are at the store, we head to the acoustic room like usual and first thing I see is this gorgeous seafoam colored guitar staring at me. There were some other guitars that I had my eye on, but this one blew them out of the water! I picked it up and just fell in love. BJ then said "Merry Christmas" and informed me that we would be purchasing it right then and there. I was so excited. He is so good to me. We bought it, brought it home and instantly starting playing together. I love it, I love playing with my husband and I'm so excited to get better so I can actually keep up with him! Maybe?? Okay probably not, but a girl can wish right?

I'm so happy that this is going to be one of "our things"
